my flesh and my heart faileth, but God is my strength and my portion for ever
よこそ /
22. sydney is my current abode. singapore is where my heart has always been.
loves my God and my family. is a chronic messy room-neat appearence girl. needs a job. got a job.
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2009 went by without much of a fuss. didn't trek it into the city like i did last year. cbb plus i figured since i've been missing her bday in so long, i decided to be a nice sister and spend her actual bday day with my little sister. no longer a kiddie already lor~
i've decided to work on a fanfic during the holidays since the idea's been playing around in my head ever since watching The Great Happiness Space. DBSK x BB x host club = Cafe Love Thief. x) so excited y'all. in any case, i wouldn't put it up till i've proof read it at least 5 times over or more. ><