man i'm sneezing up a storm here. no idea what i caught on the way back up from jervis bay. woo~ head's woozy...
today we planned to head down to jervis bay for a bit. we left at around 8am. the weather forecast had said it's was gonna rain so my hopes weren't that high. but anyway, we still went to go try our luck. man. on the way there. on the stretch between sydney and wollongong. heavy rain and fog. best. -_-" so anyway. it took us around 3 hours to get there. esp with gogo doris's SUPERRR SLOW 1800cc van. oh well. at least we got there and back. ahah!
the whole day had a constant reminder of the looming gloominess, clouds following wherever we went. but nevertheless, we managed to secure a little snapshot of sunlight just after lunch. and we got photos!
jervis bay joyridebut anyhoos, i'm off to try and get rid of this cold. *blows*