heyz ppl...been staring @ my head n i dun see any difference to the colour...ahaha...went out to orchard to help sam n josh pick out prom outfits...walk frm taka to wisma...then @ wisma...one obscure shop called X²...they found this real nyce blazer n shirt...yups...aha...too bad no camera...=P...aniwaez...went off for lunch n all...deb came n we went bowling...the guys were actually contemplating on teaching me how to LAN...ahaha...another tym i guess...=D...so we went to bowl @ cine..n i had the lowest score man...but nevertherless...i haven't touched a bowling ball fer ages!!...n now my ankle's abit swollen frm tt fall @ the bus...arh nvm...the pain's going down aniwae...n mummy left my top in gran's place!!...wanted to wear tt blue spag top tmr wif my pink sarong skirt...fwee...oh welll...worry tmr...
my stomach's growling...aniwae...ciaoz ppl...